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London Gong and Lady HaHa Booking page for Gong baths and Laughter Yoga events in London and Glastonbury.

Gong bath and sound meditation, Mindfulness and Meditation, Happiness and Resilience and Laughter Yoga team building events in London UK and Glastonbury. www.londongong.co.uk

London Events Glastonbury Events Gong Baths Retreats Laughter Yoga Classes Gift Vouchers
Fra 17 mai 2024
januar, 2024
1 man. 365 dager
18 lør. 17:00 BST
18:45 BST
24 fre. 18:15 BST
30 tor. 18:15 BST
1 lør. 16:00 BST
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13 tor. 18:15 BST
15 lør. 17:00 BST
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21 fre. 18:15 BST
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27 tor. 18:15 BST
4 tor. 18:15 BST
6 lør. 18:45 BST
12 fre. 18:15 BST
18 tor. 18:15 BST
20 lør. 18:45 BST
25 tor. 18:15 BST
Tider gjelder for tidssone: London