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Welcome to CP Fitness online booking system

Your booking is not secure until you have made payment by Palpal or bank transfer (let me know if you need those details) Hall Classes are £5.00 per class. See my Facebook page 'clubbercise hatch warren and beggarwood' for ALL class listings, prices and details. Please bring your own water, currently there's no access to the kitchen for refills. We're under tight Covid restcrictions regarding how many participants I can have!! So, to make it as fair as possible, bookings can only be made week by week no pre booking in advance. Bookings will go live 12pm every Friday lunchtime for the following weeks classes. So set that reminder alarm - these will sell out quickly! Lets hope restrictions lift further so we can open up to more spaces as we start our return, at long last. Thank you for always supporting my small business. Whether you have been attending throughout the pandemic virtually or patiently waiting for the hall return, A HUGE THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I can't wait for us to be reunited again!!

Från 4 maj 2024
Inga event
Tiderna visas i tidszon: London