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Sunnd 2024

The ‘Sunnd’ Health & Wellbeing programme is an initiative led by Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn (UOG), which aims to facilitate opportunities for the community to support all to have a high quality of life, by remaining active, healthy, safe and included.

‘S e iomairt a bhios a’ brosnachadh slàinte is fallaineachd a th’ ann an ‘Sunnd’ aig Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn, a bhios a’ toirt chothroman do dhaoine pàirt a ghabhail ann an tachartasan coimhearsnachd a bhios gam fàgail a’ faireachdainn fallain, slàn agus sàbhailte.

Ab 28 Apr 2024
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